LongeviQuest is pleased to announce the age validation of Maria Paschoalina De Castro of Brazil at age 112. She was born in Conceição do Rio Verde, Minas Gerais, Brazil on 2 May 1911. She is of Native American descent. Maria Paschoalina De Castro was a sister to 3 siblings, a wife, and a mother to 13 children.
Even at 97 years old, Maria Paschoalina de Castro was still able to do household chores like washing clothes, cooking, and washing dishes. She is a devout Catholic with a strong devotion to Nossa Senhora Aparecida. At 107 years old, she had five living children, 22 grandchildren, and an unspecified number of great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Her relatives and friends call her “la.”
For more information, please view Mrs. De Castro’s Directory Profile here.